Everyone is open to a great deal. If you know an item is really high quality and something you will use often there is no issue making room for that in your budget. Tracking how much you spend is something an individual should not overlook. Tracking helps people create alertness for some areas to cut back especially in the areas where you wouldn’t notice the difference.

Here some items people overpay for and how to correct them.

1: Monthly metro card.

For those who live in the city, many workers and students find it easier to buy an unlimited card rather than buying one for each trip. It may be convenient but is it really worth it? Most individuals before the pandemic would ride about 8 trips each week on the subway. Metro transportation companies know that. That is where they trick their riders. The typical individual would not calculate the ride each month and how much they could actually save if they bought individual tickets instead.

2: Dry cleaning.

All of us have special clothing we need to keep safe and we believe we do not have the ability to do so. Bringing it to the dry cleaners every time starts to become costly. Investing some time to learn proper fabric cleaning skills and at home dryer cleaning dryer sheets. Spending the time to learn how to properly clean your clothes can not potentially save a few dollars from the dry cleaners but also having your clothes last longer. With these items lasting longer, there isn’t a need to buy as many new outfits.

3: Medications.

Of course, if you have an illness that requires certain medication, keep taking them. But for those who suffer from seasonal allergies, headaches, and body aches it might be the time to make the switch. Many of us take many of the name brand medications because we are familiar with them. Instead, make the switch to generic medications. According to the FSAI, generic medications are required to be just effective just as their name-brand counterparts. As long as you match the same dosage as what you were previously taking, individuals can hardly tell the difference.

There are always small ways that we can cut back but individuals must reflect and ask, “What am I spending on? Is it worth it? Will I even notice if I don’t purchase it?” Practicing these exercises can help you go on the road to a healthy financial relationship.


Lucas Zhang was a Finance major at Ohio State University. He writes about finance, mortgages, and technology for Irish Mortgage Brokers. 

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